Gun Tips for Fanfic Writers

sirsparklepants: So I’m from the south and grew up around a bunch of military folks, which means that I’m pretty familiar with guns. I’ve read some fic lately that reminded me that not everyone is. In the interests of having better written guns, I thought I’d share some basics. Gun Safety The absolute most basic… Continue reading Gun Tips for Fanfic Writers

so i’ve been stalking your blog for like 2 hours now and your crime writing resources are amazing!! unfortunately though, i was unable to find anything on international espionage. i did find some stuff on the levels of classified information… but i’m in need of the nitty-gritty details of what a day in the life of an NSA or CIA agent would consist of? my heroine is an assassin for a federal organization i’ve created, but i’m still clueless as to what she would actually do day-to-day. thanks!!

klariza-helps: These may be a bit general for your tastes, but they still may give you some insight into the agencies. Language of Espionage  - Spy Museum What is espionage? Tolerance of International EspionageEspionage  CIA: A Day in the Life of a CIA Operations Center Officer CIA Clandestine Services Operation Officer A former spy on life in… Continue reading so i’ve been stalking your blog for like 2 hours now and your crime writing resources are amazing!! unfortunately though, i was unable to find anything on international espionage. i did find some stuff on the levels of classified information… but i’m in need of the nitty-gritty details of what a day in the life of an NSA or CIA agent would consist of? my heroine is an assassin for a federal organization i’ve created, but i’m still clueless as to what she would actually do day-to-day. thanks!!

disneysmermaids: cherribalm: site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition site that gives you words that rhyme with a word site that gives you synonyms and antonyms THAT FIRST…